WhatsApp for iOS gets a new update

WhatsApp has rolled out a new update to its iOS platform. The update brings along a couple of notable changes. First, the app now lets users view recent status updates in the WhatsApp widget in their iPhone's Today View.
Besides this, the update has enhanced the app's voice messaging feature. The app will keep playing the voice messages even if the users switch to another app or turn their device's screen off. Interested users can download the latest version of (v2.18.40) WhatsApp for iOS. The app is compatible with devices running iOS 7.0 and later.
WhatsApp has lately been making a lot of changes as well as adding new features to its platform.
To recall, the latest Android beta version of WhatsApp 2.18.97 has got an improved Change Number feature. This new feature will notify all your contacts when you change your number. You can choose to inform all your contacts, those contacts you have chats with or only specific contacts about the change in your number.
You can find the new Change Number feature from the settings menu of the app. If you are a beta tester of the app, first update it to 2.18.97 and then head to Settings → Account → Change Number. Here, you need to tap the Next button from the top right corner.
And, key in your old and new phone numbers and hit Next again. Now, enable the Notify my contacts option. The next step will be to choose one option from All Contacts, Contacts I have chats with and Custom.
As stated, only the latest Android Beta version of WhatsApp has got this upgraded version of Change Number feature. We are not sure when exactly this feature will get a wider rollout. Since it is already being tested in Beta, the new Change Number feature is not expected to take much time to reach everyone.


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