TOP 10 EDUCATIONAL YOU TUBE CHANNELS FOR KIDS YouTube is an excellent source to learn new things and thus the platform can be used to help kids learn new things as well. Besides, there are a lot of Kids channels to consumer content. YouTube is an excellent source to learn new things. Kids learn things better when the concept is visually explained to them. YouTube has tons of educational sites. Here are the ten best educational YouTube channels for kids. MinutePhysics If your kids want to learn a new concept within few minutes, then MinutePhysics will prove to be a treasure for them. The YouTube channel easily explains the Physics concept within a minute. It makes science fun and relatable. Geek Gurl Diaries This channel is designed for girls who want to make a career in computer science. The channel is filled with interviews of software engineers, and it appealingly teaches programming. It even explains how to build a computer. SoulPancake If you want your ...